Patrick A. Matias

learn. create. share.

about me

Hi! I am Patrick. This is blog is all about the things I’ve learned being a Web Developer. Aside from the hobby of coding, I’m also into Multimedia Arts, Photography, Music, and Extreme Sports.

Wordpress Shortcodes

WRITTEN in Web Development, Wordpress

This feature has been integrated to WordPress in version 2.5. WordPress Shortcodes are like customized html tags recognized by WordPress’ system. Shortcode means shortcut, it can create objects, or embed files which would normally require a lot of code in just one line or tag. WordPress has built-in shortcode tags for its internal functions for gallery, embedded videos and audios, and more.

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CSS3 Transitions, Transforms, and Animations


This post is about the simple CSS3 animation and effects on some of the objects inside my previous exercise called MyWay Light. We are going to try to understand how this CSS3 properties work. With CSS3, a user can now do more than just adding colors, styling, and layouts. It now allows us to add movement or other special effects without using FLASH or GIFs. It may require us to write more lines depending on what we want to achieve but it is all worth it, because it can reduce the resources that are being loaded in your website.

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